Persian / Iranian Protocol – Character And Personality

- By Bahram Maskanian

I worked as an undercover officer in the Iran Royal Air Force. I was responsible for investigating the business dealings and corruptions within the - - Iran Aircraft Industries - - a division of the Iran Royal Air Force formed through a partnership with the US Air Force and a few American weapons manufacturing companies. My investigations resulted into the discovery of enormous levels of corruption between the Iranian and US Armed Forces, reaching very high-level officials and executives.

After realizing the depth of corruption and hitting one stonewall after another with no resolution, I resigned and shortly after left Iran and moved to the United States to pursue a higher education for a career change. I arrived in New York on August of 1978.

A few days later with a buddy of mine, after having a great Persian lunch we were walking and window-shopping on Fifth (5th) Avenue in Manhattan. It was a beautiful summer day. My friend was talking to me about how the system worked in the United States since that was my first trip to America.

I suddenly noticed a few Iranians coming from the opposite direction towards us. I quickly excused myself interrupting my buddy and rushed to greet my fellow Persians. I extended my hand to shake theirs and to say hello in Persian, - - Hi, I am Bahram Maskanian, just arrived here… - - The Persians looked at me as if I had three (3) heads. None of them shook my hand and I ended up hanging there for a short while. They circumvented me and walked away.

My buddy grabbed my arm and said, - - What are you doing? - - I was speechless, still recovering from that insulting treatment by my own fellow Persians. - - I got excited when I heard them speaking Persian so I wanted to say HI. - - I said to my buddy.

- - No, you can’t do that. Persians do not say hello to each other. When Iranians come across one another they immediately stop speaking Persian and quietly, while pretending to look the other way, try to avoid acknowledging or greeting the other Persian. - - Said my friend.

Still feeling shocked and insulted, - - Are you serious? I thought maybe there was something wrong with them for not wanting to say hello. So this is a known practice? Whose dumb protocol is that? Why are we supposed to behave toward each other this way? It does not make any sense? - -

My poor friend. I complained to him about what happened that afternoon for a few hours and argued with him until we said good night and parted company.

I was enjoying the trip and not yet homesick, but that night when I could not go to sleep tossing and turning in bed, for the first time I was feeling really homesick and missing my family and people back home. For the first time, I felt alone and in an alien land, thinking maybe I should go back.

Obviously I did recover from my head on collision with the reality of how we Persians are treating each other on foreign soil. But the big puzzling factor for me was, why are Persians this way?

I looked at variety of other ethnic groups and nationalities, Greeks, Italians, Irish, Germans, Chinese, Koreans and Russians. They all had their own neighborhoods and welcomed newcomers to America, helping them to find a job, place to live and even provided legal help for them to deal with the immigration office.

So why, are we not the same way? Why are we so fragmented and disunited? Why are we not a united and caring group that helps each other? What is so different about us? Why do Persians / Iranians behave this way? I decided to investigate.

I made notes here and there when I made new discoveries. Then came the ultimate test of Persian character and personality: the coup of 1979, less than a year after my arrival, where our beloved country, Iran, was sent to hell in a hand basket of Ruhollah Khomeini.

Thanks to the criminal European and American governments and business officials for orchestrating yet another bloody coup, after experiencing success in the 1953 coup, crushing the Iranian home grown democracy and learning how to do it, they installed their faithful criminal bastard child, a British citizen by blood and ancestry, Ruhollah Khomeini.

This information is based on first-hand evidence from Iranian, British oil company, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. Khomeini’s real father, William Richard Williamson, was born in Bristol, England, in 1872 of British parents and lineage and worked for Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, which later became known as British Petroleum and now is called – BP. – The reason for this changing of name is to help wash their bloody criminal conducts and behavior off of people’s minds.

After the 1979 coup, I lived in California for a few months. I found the same manner of interaction amongst Persians there too, although Los Angeles was called Tehran-Geles.

I must emphasize here for all to understand, we Persians being alienated from our fellow citizens is an uncharacteristic behavior and has nothing to do with the well-known Persian / Iranian hospitality. Persians / Iranians are generally warm and cuddly towards their friends and family and strangely enough towards other non-Persian people.

It took many years of research in human history, human evolution, biology, psychology, sociology and human culture to finally find out the cause of our ill behavior toward each other.

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Definition Of History
History is written in two (2) entirely different forms: fiction and non-fiction. I am talking about the true history, the non-fiction factual history.

History is a narrative of all past events, such as conflicts, tranquility, learning new ideas, inventions, scientific discoveries about oneself and the world around us. History is a true story and a chronological record of events connecting the past, present and the future.

History is made of everything we know and should know in order to progress. History is made of everything we learned how to do, or not to do. Events and discoveries passed on to us through written or verbal words as our history.

All human discoveries and sciences such as evolution of life, development of languages, literature, philosophy, sciences, medicine, sociology, economics, politics and their institutional development, which explains and comments on the methodology and manner in which all was learned, are delivered to us by history and each has a history of its own.

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Definition Of Language
Language, made up of voice sounds, is one of the common tools of communication among almost all creatures. We, the human beings, have developed our own distinct written symbols, which are uttered using assigned voice sounds, representing these sounds, in organized combinations and patterns in order to express and communicate our thoughts and feelings.

A system of symbols is called words formed from such combinations and patterns, used by the people of a particular country or by a group of people with a - Shared History – and or set of - Shared Traditions. Language makes nonverbal and verbal methods of sharing and communicating ideas, as by a system of signs, symbols, sounds, gestures and rules possible.

Language is a special vocabulary, a characteristic style of speech and writing for usages of a scientific, professional, or otherwise form of passing on information.

Language is a bridge, connecting two (2) or more people together.

The building block of history and the connecting element making it all possible is language. Words are what we use to construct thoughts and emotions. We transfer and transmit our thoughts, knowledge and feelings using the melodies generated by our sounding words.

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History is a formal written account of related natural phenomena: a history of volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, and more. History is a record of a patient's medical background and treatments.

History is a branch of knowledge that records and analyzes past events forming the basis for all subject matters of historical accounts to evolve and move on to the future. History should have a long-range and never-ending perspective.

That is precisely the reason to say:

- - Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it - -

What other choices they have?

Let’s for argument sake, imagine what would happen if one had an accident and lost one’s memory. While lying on the hospital bed, the doctor walks in.

What is your name?

Don’t know, can’t remember.

Tell me what happened?

Can’t, don’t remember.

Can you tell me if you are allergic to any medicine?

No, I cannot, don’t remember.

Do you have any family you want us to contact?

Don’t know, can’t remember.

Where do you live?

Don’t know, I don’t remember.

Do you have insurance?

What is insurance?

Right about here, if the events of this story were true, the unfortunate patient would be out of luck and on his butt in the street, because of not knowing. He could not remember. He could have been a wealthy man, with a supportive family and insurance. But what good is it? If you do not know about it, thereby you do not remember whether you have it or not, and that would make a big difference in your destiny.

There are different levels of amnesia, loss of memory. There are times that one loses all of what one had learned and as a grown adult, one is forced to learn everything as if he or she was just born. That is the most severe form of amnesia. A person suffering from amnesia at any level sub-consciously has a strong desire to remember what was once known to them and it will always be there.

Our fate in life is determined by what we know and what we do not know.

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Historic Disconnect
Any nation’s history is its character and the knowledge of self-identity. Nations and people identify themselves with their history and knowledge of the past to carry them into their present and future. Accumulation of knowledge leads into the development of wisdom.

Consequently, no true history, no wisdom, and no continuity.

Historic disconnect, is where the true history of a nation, such as cultural, political, social and spiritual is stolen and cut off in its entirety. History is the link between the past, the present and the future of any nation, without it the whole nation is doomed.

What happened in many Muslim nations or the Arab world of today are good examples of what will be the fate of any nation when their entire history is stolen and replaced with the barbaric Islam and Arabian tradition. Most of the so-called Muslim nations of the Arab world are not of Arab ancestry. Only the inhabitants of Arabia are Arabs.

Egyptians are not Arabs either they are Egyptians. They lost their history of culture, language, literature, philosophy, medicine, social, economical and political sciences. All gone. In return, they got Islam and the Arabic language.

Almost the same fate was awaiting Iranians after the barbaric invasion of Arabs and Islam, but thanks to the giants of Persian history with their immense hard work and enormous contributions to Persian literature, language, culture and history, we managed to keep some of our cultural heritage. As I just said some of it. This is where the historic disconnect begins to show its real face.

The reason for the Persian history being suppressed and covered up so effectively is to dismantle the connection between our past, present and future. The only history taught in Iran is the so-called - - Islamic Civilization, - - of the past fourteen (1400) hundred years. The sad thing is that Islam is barbaric and not civilized. The same is true about all Adam & Eve based religions the first one of which is Judaism and the second is Christianity.

Believe it or not there have been millions of years history of human growth and development in many areas of life before Judaism, Christianity and Islam ever existed. The book burning mullahs of all Adam & Eve, based religions are anti-education and against history to preserve and protect their own elitist social position of wealth and power.

It is an absolute fact that all creatures learn throughout their lifetime in a variety of different manners. We learn by our own choices, cognitively, to read, or go to college, or through a lecture, in order to gain knowledge. We learn generally either consciously or sub-consciously. We also learn genetically from the conditions of our habitat and its favorable and unfavorable elements, how to survive and live within our surrounding environment.

Conscious learning is to have an awareness of one's environment and one's own existence, sensations, and thoughts. To be aware of one’s mental perceptive and learn what we are learning willingly.

Sub-conscious learning is where we hear and see what we cannot hear or see. Our minds never stop working. From the day our mind starts to work it will work nonstop, just like the human heart beats until death. Therefore even if we are not listening we can hear.

Let me give you an example, lets say you are talking to a friend and she or he has your full attention. Even though you are paying full attention to your friend and listening hard, through all of your sensory perceptions you are still hearing background noises and see background images; feel sensations of seeing beauty or unpleasant scenes. That is how one learns sub-consciously.

The astonishing fact is what happens after our minds store all of the unwanted surrounding information. Our mind would surprise us when we need to know certain things at certain times. Did it ever happen to you where you are talking with friends or watching TV, and a question is posed or an argument is introduced for discussion? You have no idea about it and as far as you know it is completely foreign to you, but without even knowing suddenly out of nowhere you say the right answer and surprise even yourself. That is your cognitive powers working for you sub-consciously.

What separates us, caring humans from a rock and makes us human beings are our many obvious and hidden talents. Our feelings and the emotional bonds we develop with each other. Our ability to communicate in a variety of different forms through our extra sensory perception, which means recognizing and interpreting sensory stimuli based chiefly on our memory, that makes learning possible, makes us human, our lives intriguing and very interesting.

Those capable of the awful crimes against humanity all around us are not capable of feeling and enjoying life the same way as compassionate people.

So, what is the connection between all what I just mentioned to Persians / Iranians being the way we are? Simple really. We are just like the unfortunate desperate patient who lost his memory, but deep inside and sub-consciously burning with desire and in a constant search to find his true identity.

We must make the best efforts to regain and relearn what was taken away from us. When first Alexander the Greek and later on the Arabs burned our libraries, they all were trying to destroy us, but we are still here. They did cause this terrible fragmentation we are experiencing today, but we are still here. We shall remain here and recover. I have no doubt about it.

We have powers we never dreamed possible. We can do whatever we can perceive and put our mind into. There are no limitations on what we can do, except the limitations of our own making.

The day we all learn who we are as a proud nation and extend a friendly hand to our fellow Iranians / Persians to greet them would be the first day of an existence of a caring, united and strong nation.