Garden of 














A tous les exilés dumonde


My beloved Iranian brothers and sisters:

by: Amil Imani

My beloved Iranian brothers and sisters:

We do hear your call
Our hearts manifest the repertoire
Of your passion for freedom
And all of our veins
Make the reflection of your action to resonate
Throughout our bodies.
Now I like to begin
Our eyes are trembling with awe!
Our ears hearing, the sound of your cause
Like the movement of the wind
We revolve around each other, and at the end
We would re-greet the legend of our past
Let us rise!
Let us rise, our beautiful children of Iran
For this is life that asks for this move!
You should not surrender to
The insurgence of fanaticism.
A bird!
The thought of flight,
Never leaves a bird

And we would like to see you flying
And we would like to see you trying
And we are thinking of you and nothing else
I see the amazing strength of prophecy
In you.

Behind those tired eyes of yours
Our overflowing hearts
Believe in you.

May the almighty God keep all of you safe and sound
Amil Imani