Freedom Awareness

by Amil Imani
August 20, 2003

According to the Article 18, Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."

The above article applies to all people and belongs to all religions. It belongs to all who desire the good of all mankind. It belongs to all those who make it to our world and to our universe. The article above has been written and documented to protect humanity from the brutal actions of dictators, merciless clergies, and despotic leaders. In order for the article above to work, it is incumbent upon all mankind and womankind to raise their voices in solidarity with those who are being tormented and tortured by the actions of a few, without the slightest passion or compassion for the human soul.

One such country in which her unelected leaders are ruling with iron fists, over nearly seventy-million people, is the most barbaric and the most brutal and the merciless regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran. While the majority of people in other hemispheres are enjoying the basic human rights, people of Iran are deprived of the slightest and most basic human rights by the fanatic cult of the Islamic regime.

The only purpose of this Islamic regime is to torture, antagonize, fabricate, lie, harass, arrest, murder, and intimidate innocent citizens of Iran on a twenty-four hour basis. Now that the world's awareness of the atrocities has increased, this backward regime has resorted in developing nuclear power to discourage other countries from helping, the helpless Iranians, who are living under the constant fear of arrests and executions.

It is the opinion of the majority of Iranians that Islamic Republic is irredeemable and it has to go. The reform in Iran has passed away and it has been replaced with more arrests and more tortures and more murders. In a script from Steve Goodier I read a passage which said, "In this world of ours, we need more light and less noise. We need to shed light on solutions that make a din about the things. We need to see the situations more clearly, than to sound off about who's to blame. We need to offer help." In a nutshell, we all need to contribute light rather than making empty noises.

My friends, my compatriots and the honorable people of the world, we need to continuously bring up this awareness until the power of light blinds and demolishes the evil power of darkness. If you shut all your windows the truth will be shut out. The truth that the Islamic Republic is constantly hiring new thugs to protect them against the wrath of the people, knowing how much they are a hated regime.

The terror is self-compounding, with the state's power reinforced by stories that relatives of the victims pale to tell - of fingernail-extracting, eye-gouging, genital-shocking, bucket-drowning and raping the prisoners. It is indeed shocking to see that the entire world is standing still and watching these crimes against humanity unfolding right before their eyes.

When the people of Iran chose Mr. Khatami, they chose the lesser of two evils, but always remember that it is still an evil. Mr. Khatami, with his evil smile and his lies, sold his soul to a greater evil. He betrayed the innocence of Iranian people who put all their faith in this smiling man and he, in return, turned his face against those who once believed in him.

My friends, it is time for all the citizens of the world to say enough is enough. It is time for the citizens of the world, by the millions, to protest these crimes by sending letters to the lawful organizations and the representatives of their respective countries. It is time for the whole world to be awakened and feel the pain of Iranians in Iran. Those who are reading this article are the only voices Iranians have to the outside world. Whether you decide to listen to the inner voice of your conscience and show courage and help your fellow human beings, or just simply walk away without any attempt to bring awareness, is totally up to you. You and only you will have to answer to the Almighty.

Benjamin Franklin said, "Those who give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty nor security". Freedom for all mankind.

Amil Imani
August 20, 2003