Go Inside for the Anwers

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All people are born with innate health.  This means that there is an intelligence inside all of us, in the beginning of our lives, that is purely wise and uncontaminated by negative mental conditioning.  In time, however, each of us learns, creates, and ultimately practices certain mental habits that prohibit us from accessing this inspirational and creative wisdom. 

By engaging in these habits, which are usually invisible to us, over and over again, we learn to focus our attention on the stimuli of the outside world.  Thsi distracts us from the emotional pain and suffering we feel inside.  Ironically, it is the emotional separation from our spirit that causes us all the pain and suffering to begin with - so this is one of those well-intended unconscious strategies that simply doesn't work.

How do you go inside? Going inside only requires two elements: yourself and quiet.  You must find your own path to quietness; it could be through prayer or meditation, or enjoying nature, yoga, running, gardening, mountain climbing, or riding a horse - any way that you find time to connect with your spirit, which is like a flame burning  inside you, waiting to be refueled.  Going inside involves the emptying of your mind; the clearing of your head.  Just as you fill up your mind with plans, goals, dreams and disappointments, the opposite is true when you connecting with your inner self -- you empty your mind of the ongoing chatter and noise.  And when your mind is clear, your inner intelligence kicks in and automatically takes over.  Decisions, responsibilities, and all aspects of life become easier.  You've tapped into the moment.

As you learn to respect the value if a quiet mind and place your attention on the moment, you nurture your ability to be present-moment-oriented, free from your worries, concerns, and inner tribulations; all those things that eventually turn into insecurity and self-destructive or erratic behavior.

As a result, you will feel more connected to everything and everyone who shows up in your life.  You will heal, as well as be a healer.  As you quiet your mind, you'll begin to slow down and make more balanced decisions.  As you practice living from the inside, you are less confused about your life's direction and more peaceful, patient and loving in your relationships.  You will have more compassion and understanding, and an enhanced ability to communicate through the love in your heart.

Today, we see all kinds of charismatic, successful and intelligent people of all ages, who are starved spiritually. They may have mastered the challenges of the outside world by becoming experts in their respective fields, yet their inner spirit is starving for nourishment.  Therefore they find themselves unhappy and miserable, despite the fact that they may have accomplished many of their goals and dreams.

Separation from our spirit causes us so much anxiety and depression.  We develop coping mechanisms that temporarily pacify our internal longing.  Any addiction is only a symptom of your lack of connection to your inner health and spirit.  Once you go inside, however, and reconnect, you'll realize that this spirit is the source of your deeper, positive feelings.
